Finding FOOD that LOVES you

What Are Good Diet Foods

By on February 18, 2018 in Healthy Lifestyle with 0 Comments

good diet foodsSimply put, good diet foods are the food options which help provide the necessary nutrients your body needs to function, while also helping you stay fit.

Good diet foods help you get to your optimum body weight, and also maintain that weight. It helps your body operate at maximum, and helps you get rid of the bad stuff that tend to accumulate.

Are you trying to find the right foods to incorporate in your diet? We’re here to help you with that. In this article we’ll give examples of good diet foods, why they are good for you and how to incorporate them in your meals.

Good Diet Food Options

These are food suggestions which we feel will be great additions to your diet, and other food staples already being implemented in your diet. We feel these food options will help improve your body health, and get to your desired body weight.

Fruits and Vegetables

Of course! Fruits and vegetables will always be necessary irrespective of the type of diet you want to undertake. Fruits are great sources of the full vitamin range and also healthy fat which add more to your health.

They can be eaten as part of your main meal, or as a snack in-between meals. They are very multipurpose and flexible in their use, and will give you high returns for your investments.

Vegetables should not be shun! They are good for your body, and a good source of healthy complex carbohydrates which will help you lose unwanted body fat and get fit fast.

Vegetables are very fun to implement in your meals, and can be played with to add a pop of color to your plate.


Not all vegetables are diet friendly. Try to go for leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli as they are filled with fibre, but are low on carbohydrates and calories which make them diet friendly.


Unprocessed legumes are packed to the brim with fibres and unprocessed complex carbohydrates which help you shed fat. Legumes are definitely good diet foods as they are very dense with nutrients, both macro and micronutrients.

Legumes digest slowly in the body, helping you feel fuller for a longer period of time, and reduce your snacking frequency. They provide so much nutritional value to the body in their small portions, which makes them good for you.

Whole Eggs

Sadly, eggs have been shrouded in bad publicity as being a major cause of high cholesterol and heart problems. However, those days are gone as that myth has been put to an end by recent scientific discovery, and the whole egg has been restored back to its healthy glory.

Whole eggs are packed full with nutrients in that little shell from good fat to high levels of protein. Eggs are a great choice if you are on a diet which allows minimal caloric intake, and have been scientifically proven to reduce food intake for 36 hours after consumption.


Nuts are very good diet food options, as they can be used as a healthy substitute for snacks. They contain fat, but don’t mistake this as fattening. Nuts contain good fats, which help you shed the fat in your body.

They are packed with omega 3 fatty acid which helps you stay healthy, and prevent various health problems. Nuts contain a good amount of protein, healthy fats and fiber.


An avocado is not just another type of fruit. It is quite different from other fruits as it full of healthy fats, instead of the usual calories found in fruits.

They contain fats similar to olive oil and also contain fiber, potassium and many other good nutrients.

Unprocessed Foods

When trying to eat healthy, look for food options that are in their most natural state with little or no processing. This implies that the food contains most of its naturally occurring nutrients, and will not adversely affect your body with chemicals included in processed foods.

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About the Author

About the Author: Jessica West, is both a healthy lifestyle nut, and a dedicated lover of food. Jessica has come on board as a regular contributor to .


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